Thursday, January 31, 2008

Copywriter Commentary: Playtex Sport Tampons

My work, (CityMax Website Builder) recently bought a ton of new supplies for its storeroom meant for use by its employees. Besides all the Kool-aid, single-serving soups, wasabi peas and other tasty treats, a box of Playtex Sport tampons was added for those of us who get “caught” without any on hand.

Yes, we have more women with us than the average high-tech company.

Now being a professional copywriter, I tend to laugh at the kind of copy that makes it onto product packaging. Anyway, the back of the tampon box touts the product for its revolutionary “Precise Placement™” system. I can’t help but wonder: "Why exactly does a tampon need ‘precise placement’? Where the heck else is it gonna go?" I began to theorize about this until I was told by my wonderfully tolerant workmates, “Please don’t go there, Lori…”

Yes, I admit, I’m a bit of a geek with words. :P

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