Friday, January 18, 2008

Endangered Word of the Day: "Addictive"

Has anyone noticed that everyone is now using the word "addicting" in place of the word "addictive"? This is a language travesty that has come about in recent years that has become too prominent to ignore.

I'd like to start by pointing out that yes, "addicting" is in fact a word, but no, it is not interchangeable with addictive. To say that "Cigarettes are addicting," implies that cigarettes are currently causing addiction to those who smoke them. For this statement to be both grammatically correct and meaningful, those whom are being addicted should be specified in the sentence.

If you want to describe an activity as having qualities that cause addiction, the use of the word "addictive" (an adjective) is the grammatically correct choice.

So everyone, please use the English language responsibly and help prevent endangered words like "addictive" from falling into extinction.

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